Dying Las Vegas Police Officer Says 2Pac Paid Him 1.5 Million Dollars To Help Fake His Death!

Dying Las Vegas Police Officer Says 2Pac Paid Him 1.5 Million Dollars To Help Fake His Death!

Dying Las Vegas Police Officer Says 2Pac Paid Him 1.5 Million Dollars To Help Fake His Death!
Dying Las Vegas Police Officer Says 2Pac Paid Him 1.5 Million Dollars To Help Fake His Death!

LAS VEGAS – David Myers is A Retired Las Vegas Police Officer in Critical Condition who Says 2Pac Paid Him 1.5 Million Dollars To help fake His Death.

Myers Stated that 2pac and Suge Knight payed over 30+ people including Police Officers, Witnesses, medics and other hospital officials.

Myers also said he was there on the scene that night and that the bullet wounds he had were fake. Myers says the body that was took to the morgue was a body double that 2Pac paid $50,000 for.

Myers said that Suge Knight played a major part in getting this done. He also stated that Suge made sure that all parties involved were paid and also understood that he had personal information about everybodys family and loved ones and would move quickly to bring terror to anybody who dared to talk!

As Myers laid on his death bed in an Arizona hospital he confessed the shocking truth behind the faking of Tupac Shakur’s death and wanted the public to hear this:

“The world needs to know what I did. I’m asshamed that I let a price be put on my word and I cannot die without letting the world know.”


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