McDonalds Cheeseburger Meets Stomach Acid

McDonalds Cheeseburger Meets Stomach Acid

McDonalds Cheeseburger Meets Stomach Acid
McDonalds Cheeseburger Meets Stomach Acid

Hydrochloric Acid, meet McDonald’s cheeseburger. Just as a Mickey D’s cheeseburger would meet upon entering YOUR stomach. Yes, YOURS. Hydrochloric Acid is a key part in turning whatever it is that you choose to eat into that stuff that comes out your other end. Hydrochloric acid is a normal part of a person’s digestive process and you would be much the worse off should it not naturally occur in your stomach and intestinal tract.

Some time lately a few interested scientists decided to create an experiment which was designed to discover what happens to food of questionable quality after being eaten. Something of a less than healthy choice in diet, for instance, alike a fast food hamburger, bun and all. The result of the experiment really causes a person to give a careful think when comes the next time they find themselves in a McDonald’s drive-thru lane.

For the purpose of science, it was arranged by the scientists to pour the common digestive aid, Hydrochloric Acid, a substance always found in the stomach interior of the common human being, into a beaker, then dip into it a McD’s menu item, normal cheeseburger, for 3 and 1/2 hours and then observe their interaction. It is less than appetizing.

The common acid was poured into a safe container. The cheeseburger was then dipped inside it and left to stew for 3 and 1/2 hours. Eventually, the scientists returned to quantify the results. They ended up with a partially ‘digested’ cheeseburger. The half of the burger that was dunked into the acid appeared quite disturbingly, well, let’s say it, “disgusting.”
The half of the cheeseburger that was not entered into the acidic bath appeared normal and, though stale, still recognizable. The other half of the burger, the half submerged in the Hydrochloric Acid, had a burned appearance and resulted in having the consistency of part slime, part partially dissolved “gunk.” It looked to be not of this world, although, in fact, it really is. The video depicts what they found upon returning to the beaker, and words do it no justice. “Inedible” comes to mind, as does, “gross,” as well as, “unappealing.” Oh, what the world will pay good money for, and even order, even quite regularly at that from a once tempting menu board!

So, here we have it. Common stomach digestive aid, and McDonald’s cheeseburger made from who-knows-what? It isn’t pretty, people. Maybe, next time, you should stick to the arena of leafy greens. Perhaps, we should all leave the spoils of the fast-food industry to test tube beakers and the people who don’t mind being “they are what they eat?” Do yourself a favor and watch this video. Then, remember what you’ve observed.

Dipping McDonalds Cheeseburger In Hydrochloric Acid

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